Die Empfehlungsbund-Community ist für uns ein wichtiges Thema im Bereich Recruiting und HR - für das Finden und Empfehlen von Talenten und den regelmäßigen Wissenstransfer zu Trend-Themen und aktuellen Entwicklungen. Wir haben in diesem Netzwerk sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht.
Founded in 1999, the Dresden-based web development agency Ostec and its team of 18 professionals specializes in the development of tailor-made web software for companies and is forging ahead with digital transformation. Ostec is a service provider for e-commerce companies and tackles challenges that cannot be addressed with standard software. The decisive factors for internal and external cooperation are agile methods based on Holacracy, Scrum and Kanban. Among our customers are such well-known companies as Universal Music Group, DuMont Mediengruppe, DriveNow, Burberry, Douglas, and Audi.
Talents wanted and opportunities
Don´t just have a job, have a purpose.