Power without strategy is a waste of energy. With our membership in the recommendation communities ITsax.de and OFFICEsax.de, we are expanding our strategy to include innovative concepts for recruiting and retaining personnel in our region.
The Internet company 3m5. produces specialized software for online applications and has been one of the technology leaders in the digital economy for years. The specialties of the "Webengineers" are ECMS systems, mobile applications, e-commerce and social media. Its broad customer base includes major insurance companies, TV broadcasters and brand leaders from various industries - including BMW, ZDF, Ravensburger, Puma, Maggi, Vodafone and Infineon. 3m5. was founded in 1997 by two students in Dresden, where the company's headquarters are located today. Other locations are Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin and Hamburg.
Official company language: German
Talents wanted and opportunities
We work for the best in many industries. To do this, we need the best minds. We take the decision for new employees very carefully. After all, we need his or her ideas, passion and expertise to keep getting better. 3m5. is looking for people who think and develop ideas. These can be extroverted presentation professionals who quickly recognize what moves the customer. Or quiet nerds who create something completely new from ones and zeros. In short: We need team players with character!