Die Entwicklung engagierter Talente in Sachsen liegt uns am Herzen – daher freuen wir uns Teil eines Netzwerks zu sein, das sich dieser Aufgabe widmet!
The Future of compute: Green, open, efficient - this is the motto of Cloud&Heat Technologies, a Dresden-based cloud service and technology provider. With our vision of holistic, open and sustainable solutions, we develop and operate scalable digital infrastructures. Here, we specifically rely on open source software to bring more transparency to the cloud and data centre market. In addition, we strive to resolve the conflict between the rapidly growing demand for computing power, e.g. in the areas of deep and machine learning, and sustainability with the help of innovative technologies (e g. by the use of water-cooled servers and reuse of server waste heat), thereby improving the climate balance across sectors.
Talents wanted and opportunities
Speculative applications are always welcome at Cloud&Heat: We are constantly looking for dedicated talents in the areas of IT, engineering, R&D, business development and many more. If you want to shape the future of sustainable, secure and scalable datacenter solutions with motivation and a view beyond established horizons, we look forward to hearing from you soon!