
XEGO-it GmbH



A decisive factor for us is, that we can recruit employees efficiently via Empfehlungsbund.de. Through Empfehlungsbund.de, we can combine our forces to form a powerful community together with partners.

Ms. Stefanie Gaube

Die XEGO-it GmbH ist ein IT-Dienstleister rund um das Thema SAP Software und Beratung für den Mittelstand.

Von unserem Standort Radebeul betreuen wir regionale, nationale wie auch internationale SAP Business One Kunden.

Als SAP Partner bieten wir eine professionelle 360°- Betreuung durch umfassende und kundenindividuelle Dienstleistungen, die von der SAP Lizenzberatung über die Implementierung und dem Rollout bis hin zu Wartung und Support reicht.

Die Basis ist hierbei die Unternehmenssoftware der SAP für KMU‘S aus den Branchen Dienstleistung, Handel, Entsorgung und Produktion.

Talents wanted and opportunities

We offer innovative people the opportunity to use their potential in the best possible way and to develop themselves further in the process. There are exciting entry-level opportunities in SAP Consulting, SAP Development, Managed Cloud Services and Application Management Services (AMS) & Technology.

 We are interested in people who combine curiosity and a quick grasp with a high willingness to learn. Future colleagues should have a penchant for combining process knowledge and technical know-how and enjoy working with people and different personalities.

Are you curious? - Then take a closer look at our homepage or search for jobs directly at https://nttdata-solutions.com/de/karriere/.

You did not find a suitable position on our career page? Never mind! Feel free to send us an initiative application. Send us your application documents and we will check whether there is a suitable position for you.

Locations of the XEGO-it GmbH

Feedback from applicants

Feedback from employees

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