Wir hoffen, uns durch die Mitgliedschaft im Empfehlungsbund als attraktiver Arbeitgeber zu präsentieren und platzieren. Unsere offenen Stellen können wir schnell und unkompliziert in den Communities veröffentlichen und bestenfalls durch Rekrutierung geeigneter Fachkräfte in unserer Region zu besetzen.
You move, we connect.
We are a team of curious developers, researchers, and strategists on a mission to fundamentally innovate the way moving things connect.
We are pioneers in building wireless mesh networks. We are building communication networks that allow industrial robots, pizza delivery drones, and autonomous cars to connect directly to each other without relying on base stations or other infrastructure. We are constantly working with different mobile robots to learn and build networks that work best for them.
When we're not networking robots, we like to ride bikes, hike in Saxon Switzerland, and play badminton or darts. But when it snows, we head for the Alps with our boards.
Talents wanted and opportunities
We are at a pivotal point in our journey and are looking for the best and brightest to join our team.
Do the words passion, collaboration, pragmatism and ski lifts resonate with you? If so, YOU are a perfect fit.